Wider than the sky: The brave mind and kind heart of Gerlinda Smaus
Wider than the sky: The brave mind and kind heart of Gerlinda Smaus On the 1st of June I reached out to my friend Johannes Feest, giving him the good news that we had a publisher interested in the translation and publication of Gerlinda Smaus’ work in English. The process of finding a publisher had been a difficult, long and…
Forging epistemic encounters and friendships between Belgium and South Africa
Forging epistemic encounters and friendships between Belgium and South Africa I land in Cape Town on a Monday morning, on the 25 May, after an eventful and rescheduled flight. Despite the disruption, I am thankful it was rescheduled, especially since the brakes of my plane were not working! The travel takes place in the framework of a Multistakeholder Grant project…
Precious encounters
Precious encounters[1] I first met Nils in 2005 in Tirana. I was working at the Albanian Foundation for Conflict Resolution, which was at the time organising an international conference on restorative justice where Nils was invited to give a plenary speech. The head of the organisation, Rasim Gjoka, was visibly excited and tried to convey to me how special this visit…

Moving past the worst thing
in November 2020 the European Forum for Restorative Justice organised an arts’ festival on the themes of justice, solidarity, and repair.
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Environmental restorative justice: A new justice framework for preventing and addressing environmental harms
This keynote presentation was given for the RJWorld 2020 eConference. In the video I explain the framework of environmental restorative justice and give examples of how it can be applied to prevent and address environmental harms.
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Restorative justice and terrorism: resisting evil with non-evil?
The restorative justice approach has great potential in responding to terrorist acts, and the ensuing polarization, because it focuses on forms of political and pre-political communication, exchange and encounters that are able to allow ‘difficult’ but respectful conversations in societal space.
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Imagining a justice that restores
We are imaginative about many things and find the exercise of imagination easy and pleasant, with the exception of our ideas and images of justice. They seem to be written in stone. But what if instead we used the gift of our imagination when it comes to justice?
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Art, a catalyst for restorative justice
When we think differently about justice, we represent it differently as well. In this TEDx talk, I explore how we portray justice and show how artists can support a more restorative type of justice.
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Brunilda Pali | Iconografie della giustizia riconciliativa | festivalfilosofia 2022
La lectio magistralis tenuta da Brunilda Pali nel Festival Filosofia 2022 sulle iconografie della giustizia riconciliativa offre delle riflessioni sulla giustizia partendo da immagini, tradizionali e alternativi.
[Watch here]

The patience and art of weaving a village
Reading about and thinking of the fascinating and important work of our action researchers in Northern Ireland, Serbia, Austria and Hungary, an amazing encounter came to mind: a meeting with a small woman of great worth, the Sardinian artist Maria Lai.
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Uma sociedade que coloca uma pessoa contra a outra cria monstros e tem que lidar com isso

Bright Young Minds: criminologist Brunilda Pali
In this series, we put the spotlight on up-and-coming international researchers at KU Leuven to find out what they do and what makes them tick. This month: criminologist Brunilda Pali. “It’s not my style to follow someone else’s lead.”
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