Dec 2018
‘Socializing’ restorative justice: Reading Judge and Punish: The penal state on trial from and for a restorative perspective In Judge and Punish: The Penal state on trial, Geoffroy de Lagasnerie, makes a compelling social critique of the criminal justice system[i]. An entirely legitimate undertaking according to de Lagasnerie, given that the state (and the law) are not immutable substances which…
Dec 2018
A Conversation with Christa Pelikan[i] BP. Christa, you are one of the first friends I have made in the restorative movement, right after Nils Christie, Siri Kemeny and Ivo Aertsen. Although we talk now about friendship of course, in the beginning I had found in you rather an intellectual mother. They say that a woman has one real mother but…